Making children's book wishes come true with love
Every child should know the joy of ordering and owning a book
Request a book order from The Book Fairy for your classroom (Title 1 schools only)
Please Complete The Form
A Legacy of Love
The Book Fairy was born when one woman began anonymously paying for students in a Title 1 elementary school in the Ogden City School District to order any book that they wanted from the monthly Scholastic book orders. With her passing, she continues her legacy of giving as The Book Fairy, joined now by family and friends, expanding her reach to many more children in Title 1 schools along the Wasatch Front in Utah.

Want a visit from The Book Fairy?
The Book Fairy is eager to visit your classroom and bless the lives of your students with books of their own choosing. Here is how to get started:
- Fill out the request form (only Title 1 schools are eligible)
- Once selected, students must select a BOOK from the book order
The books will arrive free of charge from The Book Fairy